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Building a Culture of Innovation in Construction

We are often told to “challenge the status quo” as employees, an effort to promote continuous improvement in how we do things. But as an industry, are we truly accepting of this mantra? I get it, construction projects are brutally complex with strict timelines and tight budgets. It is easy to see why embracing new ideas and the possibility of failure is quite intimidating, if not downright avoided.

However, your rate of innovation is fully dependent on your ability to change. Change is never easy! It requires trying new things, which sometimes might mean failing and then adjusting for the next attempt. To do that, we must overcome the fear of failure and embrace a diversity of thought.

Watch our live stream to listen in as I sit down with companies that are doing just that. We will ask away and cut them loose to explain what they have done to not only overcome challenges, but to begin cultivating an environment for innovation.