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A Deep Dive into Data Analytics

When considering all the sources of data that a project collects, it could be intimidating, almost like paralysis by analysis. There is so much information to digest yet, 96% of all data goes unused, according to Fails Management Institute (FMI), a consulting firm that specializes in engineering and construction. When you have all that data just collecting dust, you leave yourself exposed for risk. Ironically enough, one of the main goals for project managers is to mitigate as much risk as possible. Where is the disconnect? FMI also reports that only 8% of companies have what they call a real-time, full project management information system (PMIS) that allows for dashboard reporting.  

The 8% of companies that do take advantage of a PMIS with the ability to track key project information with project-oriented dashboards gives you quick access to information on project risk. You need to put that data to good use to gain actionable insights that will save you time and money.  

During this live demo, we will show you the capabilities of Kahua’s built-in analytics, powered by Microsoft PowerBI enabling you to:

  • Gain actionable insights
  • Make better business decisions
  • Forecast project outcomes
  • Mitigate potential risks
  • Enhance project efficiency