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What’s Down the Road for Transportation Project Delivery

Project delivery change is happening in the transportation industry.

Transportation organizations are operating with much tighter budgets because of the pandemic and reduced transportation utilization. With tighter budgets, many organizations are trying to determine how to streamline their portfolios, including competing asset maintenance and creation.

Many of the transportation organizations we work with have linear assets, like roads, bridges, runways, as well as capital projects, that are specific to their fleets such as airplanes and buses. Because of this different portfolio need the systems really need to be able to support it.

The challenge that we often encounter with our transportation customers is a really old one and has to do with their assets.

Linear assets have traditionally been a challenge with project management systems because most of them were built to handle more of a vertical construction build.

We’ve been really excited with the recent development in Kahua in their transportation applications and being able to support some of those unique project needs for our transportation customers. Specific needs like permitting, right of way and environmental.

More importantly, the ability to view projects in the more linear or GIS view enables them to see maybe not just those projects, but the operational and preventative maintenance that is happening within them in the same fiscal year.

With all of this information coming together, we’re really excited to see what’s happening next and how transportation project delivery is going to be changing a lot more in the next five years.

About the Author

Cari Stieglitz is President and founding member of kvolve, a firm that integrates process and cloud solutions in the infrastructure capital lifecycle. Cari brings global experience with program management start-ups and governance for large and small programs. With an emphasis on business process consulting, Cari has successfully been balancing people, process and tools for organizations since 2003.

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