Need to Modernize Construction Capital Programs? Embrace Tech!
An expert opinion is one that merits consideration. Software companies like Kahua, by nature of the fact that they create software that is usable and valuable enough to be purchased, are experts at what they do. But we are specifically experts at what we specifically create.
Unlike other companies that create project management information system (PMIS) software, we’re fortunate that our roots are in the industry we serve. Our founders are a computer engineering grad – who started and successfully ran his own subcontracting business – and an industrial engineer who was adept at business process transformation. Other executives at Kahua also came from the construction industry and now serve in key roles, leading our efforts to enable this industry to innovate.
What we are not is a giant technology holding company, governed by Wall Street, which continues to piecemeal together an offering made of disparate software packages that were not created with each other in mind and that will likely never work well together. Like these giants, we can’t create everything either. That’s why we are enabling our industry partners to do so.
Back to the original point, which is that an expert opinion is worth hearing, provided the expert does not have an axe to grind or software to sell. On that note, we invite you to listen in to our next webinar coming up on Feb. 23.
I’ll be interviewing Georgia Aguila, Associate Vice President and Senior Project Controls Manager at AECOM. Georgia will share with us her insights gained from 20+ years at AECOM, Atkins/PBS&J and Westinghouse. AECOM projects vary greatly, and Georgia’s teams have used almost every technology available. She’ll help us better understand…
- How technology can help you manage complex and diverse programs
- How outdated in-house project management solutions are inefficient
- Why adopting tech doesn’t need to be painful
Please join us Feb. 23 for this informative conversation. Click here to register.
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