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5 Things Learned by 23 Kahua Interns, Summer 2023

As I approach my final year of college, I find myself constantly thinking about post-graduate life and how I will eventually integrate myself into a professional work environment full-time. This can be daunting for any college student to think about, but my experience at Kahua has prepared me more than I could have ever imagined.  

My marketing internship at Kahua has given me a glimpse into how a formal work atmosphere operates daily. From participating in Q&A sessions with full-time Kahua employees to working on meaningful and challenging projects, I have been able to advance my career objectives and achieve the goals I set out for myself in the beginning of the program.  

It is also the people that make the place. Everyone in the office has been incredibly helpful and eager to answer my questions. The managers and other

marketing team members have been excellent mentors and have given me the tools I need to excel in my field.  

The other 22 interns have also been instrumental in this experience. From working on projects together within the office to getting lunch together outside the office, we all support and encourage each other.  

Here is what the other interns have to say about their internship experience at Kahua: 

Why did you decide to work at Kahua? 

“I was impressed by the company’s innovative approach to the construction industry. Kahua’s commitment to leveraging technology to streamline processes and improve collaboration resonated with me. I was also drawn to the opportunity to work with a talented team and contribute to a company that is making a positive impact in the industry.” — Andrew Wetherington, Emory University, Research & Development

Andrew Wetherington

“I first was interested in an HR internship at Kahua as I was seeking an employment opportunity where I could combine my passion for serving people well with my desire to be in a quickly moving environment where I could develop my technical skills. I was initially drawn to Kahua because of its commitment to excellence and innovation, and I wanted to be a part of a team where I could learn, grow and be mentored. I connected with Molly, and she graciously offered me a position in the HR department, and I have learned so much during my summer here at Kahua. ” — Grace Elder, Human Resources, Covenant College 

Grace Elder

“I had worked here previously the summer before, and I was interested in learning about the Sales side of the company.”  — Jack Clark, Sales, University of Georgia  

Jack Clark

How have you implemented Kahua’s Core Values – performance, customer focus, continuous improvement, teamwork, work-life balance – throughout this internship?

“The one that I have been most passionate about is continuous improvement. I have made sure to ask for feedback on my performance during our stand-up meetings and one-on-one meetings with my manager. In addition, I ask my peers to give me feedback on my work in exchange for feedback on theirs.”  — Carter Janse, Research & Development, Clemson University

Carter Janse

“I have tried to uphold all Kahua’s core values, with a particular emphasis on teamwork and continuous improvement. When working with others on projects, it is crucial to collaborate and continuously improve to achieve the best possible outcomes.”  — Tristan Freyre, Sales, University of Georgia 

Tristan Freyre

“I’ve made a conscious effort to embody Kahua’s core values every day, with a particular focus on teamwork, continuous improvement and performance. Working collaboratively as a team, we successfully sought out quality contacts. We consistently sought more efficient methods, which led to increased productivity. Our commitment to excellence in every project showcased our dedication to delivering high-performance results.”  — Jacob Lassiat, Sales, University of North Georgia

Jacob Lassiat

“My primary focus has been to continually learn new skills, improve upon my existing skills and constantly increase the quality of my work. Additionally, I have learned to work with my fellow interns to divide the workload and work to everyone’s strengths so we can be as efficient as possible. Finally, I have been focusing on maintaining a balance between work and life by going out to lunch with the other interns, organizing after-work activities such as Top Golf, and much more.”  — Arjun Smith, Research & Development, University of Georgia

Arjun Smith

 How has Kahua’s company culture impacted your internship experience?

“It has allowed me to learn as much as possible while also forming good relationships, both personal and professional, since they are an interconnected company that values work-life balance.”  — Joe Duggan, Research & Development, University of Notre Dame

Joe Duggan

“The culture at Kahua is that of optimal excellence and collaboration, which have impacted me greatly. From the executives to the interns, there’s a desire to deliver exceedingly well beyond expectations. Working with the senior product marketing manager, Amanda, has also made this more apparent daily. Collaboration, or you can say teamwork, is a big part of the Kahua culture. Coming in as an intern, the full-time employees were very open to help and I find that impressive and welcoming, setting you up for success.”  — Lekan Afolabi, Marketing, Auburn University

Lekan Afolabi

“I love the culture here. If I have a question, I can just walk to someone’s desk and ask for help, which I love. The quick feedback makes things easy to learn.”  — Charlie Rowe, Sales, Georgia College & State University  

Charlie Rowe

“Upper-level management being accessible to interns, to me, is the greatest part of the company culture here. Throughout the internship, people like Tyler Samuel (manager of Sales Operations) have been in constant communication with us and providing valuable insights into our company that I do not feel like I would necessarily get at another company. On top of that, roughly every week, the sales interns went out to lunch with various full-time employees which was awesome in helping me expand my social network and meet more great people at Kahua.”  — Andrew Ford, Sales, University of Georgia

Andrew Ford

What is the most valuable lesson you learned from this internship?

“The most valuable lesson I learned this summer was that exploring different areas of a company is crucial. It was fascinating to observe the contributions made by each employee at Kahua, all of which play a key role in ensuring the company’s success. This experience has given me a broader perspective of the organization, allowing me to identify areas in which I can improve my own work.”  — Emma Rose, Marketing, Auburn University 

Emma Rose

“One of the most important things I’ve learned during this internship is the significance of networking. From the first day of onboarding, I was encouraged to connect with colleagues from different departments, have lunch with them and ask questions. This advice has proven to be incredibly valuable!”  — Cally Casterline, Marketing, Auburn University 

Cally Casterline

“I think the most valuable lesson I learned was to be yourself. It took a while for me to be relaxed and more open to talk to people due to the uncertainty of what other people might think. I also would go on to add that the second most important lesson I learned was to ask questions. Asking questions is essential to growth.”  — Herbert Duarte Jr., Research & Development, Kennesaw State University

Herbert Duarte

 How has this internship helped you advance your career? 

“Working on various projects has taught me new technical skills, and working in-person at the office has allowed me to form new professional connections. Overall, I feel a lot more confident in my ability to learn new things and bring value to the company with my skillset.”  — Derek Alvarez, Research & Development, University of North Georgia  

Derek Alvarez

“This Internship has helped advance my career in ways I can’t even imagine. I have always struggled with hard skills. This summer has taught me how to be proficient and use my time wisely when using certain computer applications. I have always been intrigued by sales and how it effectively works in a business. Hands-on experience with this has opened my eyes to how it works, what works and what the common struggles are that take place in the process. Using your summer wisely and working an internship is something I highly recommend everyone to pursue early in their career.”  — Jack Weaver, Sales, University of West Georgia 

Jack Weaver

“While interning at Kahua has advanced my academic career by guiding me to continue with my Analytics and Data Science concentration, it has also advanced my general career by teaching me what I like and seek in a workspace. Through this internship, I have really enjoyed the projects I’ve worked on and the company culture of Kahua. I have learned that the data science field is something I’d like to continue working in and that I enjoy the culture of a smaller company. Kahua has further introduced me to motivated and hardworking individuals that have served as great examples and taught me valuable skills I will carry with me through the rest of my career.” — Melina Sharp, Research & Development, Georgia Institute of Technology. 

Melina Sharp

“Kahua is the first job I have had that relates to my major and what I want to pursue after school. My time here has taught me more about the professional business world than any other experience, and I now feel more confident in pursuing sales in the future.” — Zach Susskind, Sales, University of Georgia

Zach Susskind


This internship has helped us work toward and achieve our professional goals. This transformative experience has given us essential skills and knowledge to confidently work in a professional environment and navigate through post-graduate life. 


Kahua provides a  collaborative construction project management information system that generates more effective communication throughout the

entire capital project lifecycle. At Kahua we are enabling innovation and changing the way that capital programs are planned and delivered. Visit our careers page to learn more about our open positions. 

About the Author

Brooke Belforte is a Marketing Intern at Kahua who graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Public Relations in May 2024. Her most valued experiences at Kahua include writing the 15th edition of the company newsletter and assisting in planning Enabling Innovation, a four-day Kahua-hosted conference.

Profile Photo of Brooke Belforte