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26 Interns Reflect on the Summer of ‘24

School is almost back in session! For most of Kahua’s interns, the end of their summer internships is right around the corner. Preparing to say goodbye to the place where they have spent countless hours working, bonding and learning may be difficult, but it signals the transition into a new chapter. 

Whether they are getting ready to decorate their college dorm room, make the most of their final year of college or transition into a full-time work environment, this summer internship program left a lasting impact on all 26 interns. Here is what each intern has to say about their time at Kahua:

What skills did you gain, or improve upon, during this internship? 

I’ve gotten to learn and practice some interesting technical skills, like API scripting and app development on the Kahua platform. Also, the teamwork and communication skills I’ve developed will be invaluable going forward.” --Daniel Barker, University of North Georgia 

“I was able to improve my communication skills and become more knowledgeable about the construction industry.” --Alex Unger, Auburn University  

“During my time as a Kahua intern, I’ve had the opportunity to gain knowledge on several platforms of event planning software, such as Cvent. I have also had the opportunity to collaborate with many knowledgeable professionals and learn from their experiences.” --Emma Frank, University of Mississippi  

“I improved in my Power BI and Python skills throughout this internship. However, I think I have enjoyed growing my soft skills. Explaining what I have been doing in an eloquent way is something I have greatly improved on this summer.” --Jackson Wearne, University of Georgia Graduate  

“During this internship, I gained and significantly improved several skills, including project management, coding proficiency, and problem-solving abilities. I’ve also enhanced my communication skills by interacting with various teams within Kahua. My ability to analyze systems and develop effective solutions has also noticeably improved.” --Justin Ah Chow, Ohio State University Graduate  

What are your favorite projects you have worked on? 

“My favorite project is automating the extraction and refresh of data from different sources. I have worked on the automation of pulling data from sources such as Freshdesk, loading the data into a Power BI dashboard, and scheduling a refresh of the report. I have learned a lot about ETL pipelines and data warehousing and have delved into different methods of automation. Working with data from varying sources, especially external, has proved challenging but allowed me to grow in my adaptability and resourcefulness. Through this ongoing project, I have recognized the importance of understanding when to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, possibly altering my approach solving a problem to remain as efficient as possible.” --Melina Sharp, Georgia Institute of Technology 

I’ve enjoyed working on automating select processes in the sales department.” --Avery Wright, University of Georgia Graduate  

“My favorite project has been the API Training LMS course. I believe this project may provide significant aid to Kahua and save a great deal of time spent by Kahua employees while training partners, future employees, etc. It is the primary project I have worked on throughout the summer and hope it will become useful.” --Connor Smith, Georgia Institute of Technology  

“My favorite project I have worked on was calculating the Nurture Campaign email performance for each quarter. Though I encountered an immense amount of trial and error throughout this project, I found great satisfaction in this challenge and used it as an opportunity to learn and grow.” --Ashleigh Brannigan, University of North Georgia 

“One of my favorite projects was Hub Flow development. It was a complex project involving attributes, items and costs that significantly improved Kahua’s efficiency and overall customer experience.” --Bruno von Eicken Heller, Mercer University  

How have the Professional Development workshops enhanced your internship? 

I can ask and talk to the full-time employees about anything I need help with. They are always very helpful, available and love answering questions I have.” --Solomon Jones, Georgia State University  

“Getting to hear from employees of all kinds of different influence and function at Kahua about their perspective, advice,and guidance across navigating the summer as well as taking steps to further develop and strengthen our professional abilities and presence is just one of the many reasons why interning for Kahua is such a privilege. Whether the presentation is led by a former intern who now works full-time or by a seasoned C-Suite executive, their transparency, passion and understanding are undeniably impressive and have taught me so much.” --Jack McCabe, University of Georgia  

“The workshops have given me perspective on other parts of the industry aside from my own.” --Eshaan Patel, University of Georgia  

I was able to learn a variety of topics I would not have explored otherwise. Many workshops taught us how to be successful here and prepared us for our next steps. In addition to this, it was insightful to learn from employees with extensive experience and industry knowledge. The workshops showed me how much Kahua cares for their employees and supports them in developing their own personal brand.” --Fiona Albertson, Berry College 

“They were invaluable insights into the workings of a successful company in the modern software/service industry. My internship felt much more involved, as my understanding of the company’s processes and workflows massively benefited from these workshops. Their learnings and advice also helped me gain a better understanding of success and how to truly work towards it, among other virtues many tend to learn later in their career.” --Julian Duarte, Kennesaw State University 

How have you connected and collaborated with the other interns and employees at Kahua? 

“I have made work more personable by eating lunch and making plans outside of the office with other co-workers.” --Matthew Hopkins, Georgia Institute of Technology  

“I’ve connected with the other interns by working alongside them, like creating graphics for an event to help one of the other interns.” --Isabel Fillmore, Spring Hill College 

“I have forged close relationships with my boss and fellow interns alike. My curiosity means that I am constantly in touch with my boss trying to pick up as much of his knowledge for my own. I have gotten close to the interns sitting near me, with whom there is an exchange of learning, allowing for a more holistic internship experience.” --Rohit Vivek, Georgia Institute of Technology  

“I have collaborated with the other interns via having lunch and doing fun things outside of work, such as golfing and watching sports with them.” --Brody Howard, Auburn University 

“I have collaborated with my fellow sales and sales operations interns on every project I have worked on so far. We have leveraged one another’s skillsets to complete a variety of projects in an efficient manner.” --Tristan Freyre, University of Georgia 

How has this internship set you up for success in the future? 

“Kahua has taught me many things about a workplace environment, especially in development, and that adaptability is crucial. Kahua has familiarized me on a more in-depth scale regarding things like APIs, XML and much more.” --Herbert Duarte, Kennesaw State University  

“This internship not only enhanced my programming abilities but improved my networking skills and knowledge of the multiple different jobs in my field as well as other fields. It has solidified that computer science is the career path I want to take.” --Regan Pastor, University of Georgia  

“By putting me in the position where I know what I would like to do once I finish school. It has set me up for success by putting me through different workshops and meetings, so I can see different views of every aspect.” --Ahmadou Diallo, Lyon College 

“By giving me the opportunity to learn about an industry that’s entirely new to me from some of the most experienced and successful people in it. Additionally, Kahua’s structure has meant that I’ve had significant exposure to senior leadership, which is not common for MBA interns! I’ve loved every minute of my time at Kahua and am deeply appreciative of every person that I’ve met here. #kahualife for sure.” --Amanda Combs, Emory University  

“My internship experience has not only provided me with concrete projects, experiences and skills that will reflect what I’ve achieved while at Kahua but has also provided me with intangible qualities, such as collaborative experiences, opportunities to present to leadership and an awesome work culture, to name a few.” --Vinny Duggasani, Georgia State University 

Driven by determination and the desire to gain real-world experience in their field, every intern maximized their potential over the past two months. From enjoying lunches together to attending Q&A Panels, the intern class of ‘24 made the most out of their time at Kahua.  

These opportunities allowed them to excel personally and professionally, giving them the confidence to step into their future endeavors 

About the Author

Brooke Belforte is a Marketing Intern at Kahua who graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Public Relations in May 2024. Her most valued experiences at Kahua include writing the 15th edition of the company newsletter and assisting in planning Enabling Innovation, a four-day Kahua-hosted conference.

Profile Photo of Brooke Belforte